For Girls (and boys): The GM Diet Day 1, weight loss article

Soooo I have been trying to lose weight since February of 2014, going to the gym like 3-7x per week…I got to the point where I was running 5 miles on the treadmill, but kept looking at the scale and watching it stick in the same spot. If you have ever been an over-achieving gym rat, you could understand my frustration after hitting a plateau when I lost 15 lbs. After I lost 15 lbs, the scale never moved again, no matter what new exercises I tried, food I ate, etc. I even stopped drinking for like 10 days and still, nothing. Pissed off? Totally!

So, I met this gym owner and she looks like she’s cut to the hilt…60+ years old and she admits to me that she drinks wine everyday and smokes out…lol. She tells me my problem is my diet. So I started checking out Ketogenic diets, and accidentally found an iOS app for something called the “GM Diet”. It was free, so I downloaded it. The claim on it was you could lose up to ten lbs in 7 days. Well, if you read anything I wrote before, even losing 5 lbs in one week sounded awesome to me… So I stalled on doing the diet until the weekend was over. Today is Day 1 of the GM diet. I weighed myself in the morning (uggh, same weight as last 4 months), and said to myself, I can do this for 7 days. What if I lost 10 lbs? Awesome!

I also read that some lady did this diet back to back 2 weeks before her wedding and lost 25 lbs. I don’t know if its true, but if I can handle doing two weeks (or more?) of this GM Diet, its worth a try.

It’s around 7pm now and I haven’t been too hungry or anything. I ate fruit and drank a shit ton of water (at least 7 glasses already). I still went to the gym and worked out during lunch. My knee was bothering me so I didn’t schedule a dance lesson for tonight. Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow. No headaches, but have been visiting the bathroom a lot. No coffee…no tea. Just water and fruit. Mostly watermelon, cherries and cantaloupe. My boyfriend came home from work and had a beer. I wasn’t jealous. We’ll see how long that lasts…I love to drink wine.

Click here for a link to the GM Diet, so you canย see what you’re supposed to eat for each of the 7 days.

Continue reading my experience on the GM Diet, click here to read Day 2’s results.

~ by Starr Ackerman on July 21, 2014.

3 Responses to “For Girls (and boys): The GM Diet Day 1, weight loss article”

  1. Good luck Starr! There is a saying that you can’t out-exercise your diet … so it is always important to figure that out as well! ๐Ÿ™‚ You can do it!


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